fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause - for sale
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause

Crystal Prospect

fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause
fluorescing FLUORITE, BARYTE - Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, ex Krause

fluorescing FLUORITE - Madoc, Ontario, Canada - ex Octahedron, L.Krause

Modified cube-octahedral near colorless Fluorite crystals with tabular Baryte aggregates and an unidentified black metallic looking mineral.

The Fluorite fluoresces in a pale-white color SW and a lavender-blue LW; there’s a colored fluorescence coming from the matrix.

ex “Octahedron” - Larry Krause, #2933

from Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada – the mines have been reclaimed and are off limits to collecting

Measures approximately 3.5 x 1.5 x 1.25 inch, 8.07 oz / 89 x 38 x 32 mm, 229g

Price: 250.00 USD

Item # A2091213

To show the fluorescent response the specimen was illuminated using 6 watt 254nm (Short Wave) / 366nm (Long Wave) UVGL-58 lamp (you need a proper UV light source to observe the fluorescence, more powerful lamp = brighter response).