Crystal Prospect

fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA
fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA
fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA
fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA
fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA
fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA

fluorescing SPHALERITE - Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., New York, USA

Orange LW / very weak SW fluorescing Sphalerite, with weak blue SW fluorescing Diopside, weak yellow SW fluorescing Phlogopite, golden Pyrite micros, in Calcite matrix (some spots are very weak magenta SW fluorescent).

from Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA

Measures approximately 4 x 2 x 1 inch, 7.33 oz / 102 x 51 x 25 mm, 208g

this specimen is featured on mindat, minID: 3Q7-06N

Price: 28.00 USD

Item # A0391214

To show the fluorescent response the specimen was illuminated using 6 watt 254nm (Short Wave) / 366nm (Long Wave) UVGL-58 lamp (you need a proper UV light source to observe the fluorescence, more powerful lamp = brighter response).

fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA
fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA
fluorescing SPHALERITE, DIOPSIDE, PYRITE, CALCITE, PHLOGOPHITE - Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA - for sale