Crystal Prospect

rare VIHORLATITE - type and only locality - Poruba pod Vihorlatom, Slovakia

Iridescent metallic grains of Vihorlatite in light colored matrix.

ex Dr F. D'Esopo, ex Mineralogical Research Company, ex unknown German collector, ex Nature's Window

this specimen is featured on mindat, minID: 59T-F02

from Poruba pod Vihorlatom, Michalovce Co., Košický kraj (Košice Region), Slovakia - type and only locality

this is an older specimen - "Czechoslovakia / CSSR" has ceased to exist with the end of 1992

Measures approximately 0.75 x 0.5 x 0.5 inch, 0.14 oz / 19 x 13 x 13 mm, 4g

Price: 100.00 USD

Item # 0850115  (#6)